Ping Sans Frontières

The story was initiated by Sarah Hanffou’s participation to the 2005 Francophonie Games in Niger as a member of the French table tennis team. During this competition, Sarah had the opportunity to visit a club in Niamey Capital City thanks to the “World Athletics” association of a French perchman, Jean Galfione.

A table outside, a broken net, a single ball, some kids playing next to the road and passing by cars… Sarah got aware of the poor conditions in which table tennis could be practiced despite the true passion for this sports in Africa.

Believing in the socializing and educational role of table tennis, Sarah Hanffou decided to develop and to promote table tennis throughout the African continent. In October 2006, Ping Sans Frontieres was born.

Since then, the association has never stopped acting and expanding.

Numerous missions have been carried out in different countries such as Cameroon, Congo Democratic Republic, Togo, Mongolia, Haïti, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Burundi and many more.

Along with material distribution, different phases have since been developed:  training camps, coach trainings, building of handmade tables and large scale campaigns for the promotion of table tennis in schools.

In October 2014, the association decided to change its social purpose by enlarging its scope worldwide.

The association is now as present as ever in Africa but it also leads actions on other continents.

To do this, PSF carries out the following actions during its missions:


The promotion of table tennis to as many people as possible


The initiation of priority audiences (young people, women, people with disabilities)


The transport and distribution of sports equipment


Training of coaches


Building of handcrafted table tennis tables and hand-made rackets to develop the practice for all


Support for the structuring of projects
These programs are aimed primarily at people who do not have access to table tennis because of their personal situation or their environment.

In a few figures PSF is:

16 years of activities throughout the world
1 ton of material collected each year
16 countries of intervention in the world including: Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo, Mongolia, Haiti

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